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ICMS NA Online Speaker Series 2018 – Of University and Early Career Years: Navigating the Fine Line between Determination and Wishfullness

Online Speaker Series is a webinar series conducted by the North America Chapter, where a distinguished professional is invited to interact with Malaysian students from all over the world! Students will have an opportunity to gain insight into the speaker’s career journey. It is also a platform for participants of similar career aspirations to ask…

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ICMS NA US Virtual Career Fair ViCAF 2018

In collaboration with COMMS, EPIC, WCC, and ICMS; NAMSA proudly presents  Virtual Career Fair 2018 (VICAF 2.0) powered by seeds job fair!! VICAF 2.0 is hosted on a platform provided by Innovaseeds Solutions. This event aims to present an opportunity for Malaysian students in North America to showcase their talents, network with companies in Malaysia…

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ICMS NA Venture Challenge North America 2018

The ICMS North America Chapter’s flagship event, the ICMSxEPiC Venture Challenge was held at The Ohio State University, Columbus. The theme addressed was Entrepreneurship where IVEC focused on the complexities and realities of building our own business and sustaining a startup in this age. The Business Case competition was held in January and enhanced participants’ public…