Industry Sharings

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ICMS NA Your Untitled Project 2021

That’s right, everyone! Your Untitled Project is returning for a second year in a row! 2021 marks the second anniversary of ICMS North America’s newest flagship event, covering career-building and professional development topics! WE’RE BACK … Regardless of whether you’re new to interviewing, advancing your career, or just writing your resume, it doesn’t have to…

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ICMS NA Your Untitled Project 2020

This month-long project is designed exclusively for Malaysian students in North America, providing them with insights from Malaysian speakers working and interning in major firms in North America (such as Amazon, Facebook, etc). The project is divided into 3 phases, in which participants are given opportunities to (1) gain insights on career pathways in North…

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ICMS NA Online Speaker Series 2019 – Stories from the Workplace: Once Upon an Internship

ICMS North America Online Speaker Series is back with a new look! With the overarching theme of “Stories from the Workplace”, we are proud to present the first installation “Once Upon An Internship”. For the first time, we have invited a panel of outstanding individuals to share with you their wide-ranged internship experiences, from software…

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ICMS NA US Virtual Career Fair ViCAF 2019

US VICAF is here again for the third time! FREE for all Malaysians throughout North America! In the past, 1 out of every 5 graduates was hired throughout ViCAF events. With more than 25 companies joining the ViCAF series all over the world, this time we are bringing you a better version, thanks to your…

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ICMS NA Online Speaker Series 2018 – Of University and Early Career Years: Navigating the Fine Line between Determination and Wishfullness

Online Speaker Series is a webinar series conducted by the North America Chapter, where a distinguished professional is invited to interact with Malaysian students from all over the world! Students will have an opportunity to gain insight into the speaker’s career journey. It is also a platform for participants of similar career aspirations to ask…