The ICMS North America Chapter’s flagship event, the ICMSxEPiC Venture Challenge was held at The Ohio State University, Columbus. The theme addressed was Entrepreneurship where IVEC focused on the complexities and realities of building our own business and sustaining a startup in this age. The Business Case competition was held in January and enhanced participants’ public speaking skills and their knowledge of entrepreneurship. Participants had a chance to have an immersive experience in startup culture and the production of ideas.
Entrepreneurship is not foreign to Malaysia, with the Malaysian government’s initiatives to boost the entrepreneurial sector via Budget 2018 and “Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre” (MaGIC), also with Selangor’s State Government’s initiative for “Selangor Information Technology and E-Commerce Council” (SITEC). Movements like these help grow startups in Malaysia, as the quality of startups has to increase to partake in this competitive market.